Watch our Video here  or read below

Select your product 


  Your order will be packed in our specially made reusable boxes and packaging, WITHOUT Plastic wrapping or cushioning

Your order is sent by speedy couriers so you can enjoy real soap and cleaners that are great for you and the environment  without all the mountain of plastic packaging!


You loved feeling clean, smelling fresh essential oils, and having a sparkling house all the time knowing you haven't killed the environment with either toxic waste by-products or contributed to the plastic pollution, or deforested an Orangutan habitat!  So now you can't wait to get your next order and return your Refill Pouches so we can keep the carbon footprint low and not manufacture another bottle!  Go online and reorder your most loved products from us!  
On the shopping cart page, there is a link which takes you to a form where you indicate that you have bottles to return. When we pack your order we will send you a freight paid courier ticket.  OR you don't have to wait to place a new order, you can go to "Refills" on the Main Menu and go directly to the form from there. Tickets have a 7 day expiry so make sure you are ready to return the bottles.


  Receive your next lot of goodies, repack your bottles into the bag and pop the ticket we have sent you on the bag.


  Take the parcel to the Post Office, or go online and order a pick up.


When we get your Pouches back, we wash, and REUSE them if they are still in good condition, saving unnecessary manufacturing, and cutting costs!


   When they can't be reused anymore, we send them for recycling.


A closed loop 100% sustainable option all from the comfort of home!

Zero Waste... Zero Refill